The Swindlers on Tour
The first significant Swindle tour for a few years took place from 17-19 August in Wiltshire. Twelve Swindlers Bryn Owen, Tony Malyon, Colin Price, John Machin, Trevor Vincent, Scott Browning, Martin Thomas, Colin Reardon, Graham Ottaway, Paul Sims, Richard Taunton and ex-Swindler Michael Schurch started the tour at the impressive Tidworth Garrison course.
In normal Swindle fashion the cards were drawn for the fourballs and off we went. On a sweltering day with the ball rolling it was expected that the scores would be good, but Tidworth is a tough course off the white tees - especially for those who hadn't played it before. Ten Swindler's scores were spread between 26 and 33 Stableford points, however Tony Malyon posted a stunning 40 points to win the day with Michael Schurch coming up the rear. Tony's massive drive with his pitching wedge managed to creep past Bryn Owen's 9-iron to win the longest drive and Colin Reardon got the nearest-the-pin on the par-3 5th (and the birdie).
After the golf we all headed off to the wonderful Stanton House Hotel.
An excellent dinner was followed by way too much wine and a late night as could be seen with the hang-dog looks at breakfast the following morning!
Day 2 saw a relatively early start at Marlborough Golf Club on what turned out to be another sweltering day! Trevor Vincent posted a very creditable score of 36 points to win the day from Bryn Owen on 33. Bryn won the nearest-the-pin prize and Michael Schurch won the longest drive!
A wonderful all-you-can-eat Japanese buffet was the dinner option and thoroughly enjoyed by all, including some who tried the hot sake. The evening's libation was toned down from the previous night but a round of Michael Schurch's ribald jokes were well received!
On day 3 at Ogbourne Downs the weather changed abruptly with driving rain and high winds for the opening nine holes. The downpours could be seen winding their way down the valley towards the course and on a very hilly track it made for some difficult scoring. With tour leader Trevor Vincent missing the final day due to work commitments the four leaders consisting of Tony Malyon, Scott Browning, Bryn Owen and John Machin went out in the final fourball.
The weather slowly improved to give a pleasant afternoon and at last we could admire the views over the Wiltshire Downs.
The day was won by Bryn Owen with 33 points from Tony Malyon on 32 which made Bryn the overall tour winner, edging Tony into second place. Colin Price won the nearest-the pin prize and the longest drive! Tony Malyon picked up the prize for the most points scored on the par 3's over the three days with 28 and Richard Taunton in second place with 26.
A thoroughly enjoyable tour and all Swindlers suggested a repeat for 2017.